School principals and French Teachers get in here! This post is for you!
We know we have a lot of language learning methods, too many for you to choose from, so this article is to help you narrow your choices and pick the best that works for your institution (If you are a school administrator) or students (If you happen to teach a bunch of wonderful kids French, which by all means a French Teacher)
First of all, you need to identify the age range of your students. If they fall within the 2-6 yrs age, that's a Montessori stage. According to the French education system, this age group fall under the ecole maternelle.

We are glad to say we have just the right materials.
The T-M-M series (2-yrs) are one of leading french education publisher, Hachette's, top language learning methods for children.
The pages are filled with colorful images that are bound to have the kids mesmerized and eager to learn.
The activities in the books help the child learn by sight as opposed to knowing its equivalent in English and then learning it in French. This way, the child remembers the name by its image and not its English connotation.
It requires a close relationship between the teacher and the child because each activity requires that stickers be pasted on the corresponding images.
For a period of 6 years, the child will learn;
Numbers, Alphabets, Colors, , Clothes, Animals, Read, Shapes, Reading, Calculation, Shapes, Seasons, Days of the week, Sounds, How to identify family members and lots of other things.
Buy here- www.mapetitefranceng.com/product-page/t-m-t-tout-le-programme-2-3-ans

This learning material is great for vocabulary development for kids. (3yrs+). Filled with images and descriptions in french. The child traces the alphabet with his/her hand and makes the sound (with the help of a tutor). Images with their identification in French helps the child learn words by sight.
Buy here- www.mapetitefranceng.com/product-page/mon-abcd-a-toucher
Other Resources for Montessori
Buy here- www.mapetitefranceng.com/shop
Next is the Primary school level AKA, Basic 1-6. The French primary education is the Ecole primaire. It starts with the CP right up to the CM2.
Here's a breakdown for you;
Ecole maternelle- Montessori/Nursery
Cours preparatoire (CP) or 11eme 6-7 yrs
Cours elementaire (CE1)or 10eme 7-8 yrs
Cours elementaire (CE2) or 9eme 8-9 yrs
Cours moyen 1 (CM1) or 8eme 9-10 yrs
Cours moyen 2 (CM2) or 7eme 10-11 yrs
COLLEGE 11-15 yrs
6eme- 11-12 yrs
5eme- 12-13 yrs
4eme- 13-14 yrs
3eme- 14-15 yrs
So if, while browsing through our online bookstore or physical bookstore (coming soon) you see any of those abbreviations, you already know what class they fall under.

For the primary level. Les Loustics is our favorite learning method. Why? That's because it is filled with beautiful graphical illustrations, with generally excite children. It comprises of units which are then subdivided into 5 lessons, this offers the student the opportunity to learn a variety of things.
LES LOUSTICS: UNITS- LESSONS, ( Audio exercises,songs, poems) - PROJECTS - BRAIN TEASERS
For example, here is what a child is expected to learn from the first chapter.
UNIT 1, Lesson 1
- How to introduce him/herself
- Recite numbers 1-12
- Name at least 8 colors
- Say their age/ask for one's age
- Describe certain activities i.e ( She is singing, she is reading, he is running, he is painting e.t.c)
- Basic knowledge on the Eiffel Tower
- Make a paper telephone ( Language of instruction being french)
Learn 2 songs
The entire book consists of 6 units, 30 lessons and 18 songs.
It's perfect for the entire Primary school program because it comes in Book 1, 2 and 3. Each textbook has an accompanying workbook and CD.
Buy here- www.mapetitefranceng.com/product-page/les-loustics-text-book-work-book-cd
*You can request for the French teacher's bundle ( Textbook, workbook, teacher's handbook, class exercise audio CD)

Buy here- www.mapetitefranceng.com/product-page/ecole-primaire-conjugaison
Buy here- www.mapetitefranceng.com/shop

For Secondary school students, the language learning methods are more. For example- Adosphere and Adomania are great options!
Adosphere and Adomania are for the Ados- Teenagers. The methods provides the opportunity for the students to learn in a teen world, covering their 3 different lives- Private (self), Social and Public ( Myself and the world around me)
Both methods come with textbooks, workbook and 2 CDs
*You can request for the French teacher's bundle ( Textbook, workbook, teacher's handbook, class exercise audio CD)
Buy here- www.mapetitefranceng.com/product-page/adosphere-a1-textbook-workbook
So that's it folks! If you do have more questions, hit us up in the comments box, call us or send us an email, we'll be glad to help.
Au revoir.
Caleb International College - educationaldirectory.com.ng/?listing=caleb-international-college
Edidot Schools Lagos - ://www.edidotschools.com/academics/primary.cfm